Want up to £25,000 paid back from a UK gambling operator?
Our innovative claims strategy has been used to recover millions of pounds from negligent gambling companies that have caused psychiatric harm to vulnerable individuals suffering with gambling disorder. We offer our services on a no-win, no-fee basis.

Everything I've tried so far hasn't worked!
I submitted countless complaints to the gambling operator and the Gambling Commission, only to be met with dismissals or no response at all.
I didn’t realise that ADRs (IBAS / eCOGRA) were funded by gambling companies. They claim to be impartial, but it certainly didn’t feel that way.
Law Firms
I contacted a law firm, but it would cost a grand just to look at my claim. The continued legal fees would end up costing more than the claim itself!
Our Solution
Our highly effective claim solutions are offered on a no-win, no-fee basis and are provided as a co-managed claim and a group claim service.
Our claim services are designed to be affordable and straightforward, empowering individuals to confidently and effectively pursue redress, with millions already successfully recovered.
Vulnerable individuals whom have incurred harmful gambling losses naturally have very limited funds to pursue legal claims. A no-win, no-fee solution is a must. Unlike other forms of personal injury, negligent gambling operators not only cause severe psychiatric harm to their victims but also relieve them of their wallets, paralyzing them to have any possibility of redress. Our highly innovative legal strategy provides significant upside advantages whilst minimising downside risk (cost protections). When combined with litigation funding that shares strong believes in access to justice and consumer protections, it gives rise to the possibility of effective representation.
No-win, no-fee
25-28% success fee
- A £99 non-refundable application fee applies per claim, which is required to cover administrative tasks to onboard your claim.
- We will negotiate with operators on your behalf and assist you in obtaining and submitting documents to the gambling operator.
- We will start the legal process and issue a letter of claim on your behalf.
- Should the gambling company be unwilling to resolve your claim amicably, we will escalate your claim to a SRA regulated law firm of our partnered litigation funder.
Read what our clients have to say. Be one of them!
We are a non-profit organisation committed to empowering individuals harmed by gambling companies. Whether dealing with withheld funds or addressing the consequences of harmful gambling practices, our redress solutions are designed to be cost-effective, straightforward, and efficient. Drawing on years of experience and a proven track record of assisting individuals, litigation funders, and legal professionals across Europe, we have developed highly innovative strategies that outmatch gambling operators’ defences on a cost-benefit basis, ensuring successful outcomes for affected individuals.
Contact Us
The easiest way to get in touch with us is to submit a support request. Please click the support button below to open a ticket.
We enable access to justice and empower individuals with the ability to obtain redress.
Problem Solving
Our innovative claims service opens up doors that were previously closed shut.
Our solution is so successful that it's cheaper for the gambling operator to settle.
Positive Trajectory
We believe that vulnerable customers are due back billions of pounds. We're just getting started.
Our stats in 2024
Happy Clients used our claims service.
Claims made against gambling operators.
Paid back from out of court settlements. *Most claims started in 2024 are still in progress.
Months average claim duration.
We try to regularly update our FAQ based on recurring questions we get asked.
Can I claim more than £25,000?
Yes you can. Depending on the specific circumstances to your claim, it may be worthwhile to pursue a claim above £25,000. However, in most circumstances it is more beneficial and cost effective to puruse claims up to £25,000.
Will I get legal assistance from a barrister or solicitor after starting my claim?
Yes, if we are required to escalate your claim due to gambling company rejecting your claim or for acting in a non-compliant manner during pre-action protocols after which your claim will be managed by a SRA regulated law firm and represented in court by a barrister.
What is the no-win, no-fee claims service?
The no-win, no-fee claims service provides step-by-step representation, and active assistance throughout your claim. This includes procedural support, submitting claims, negotiating with gambling operators, and guidance for court proceedings if required.
What does the no-win, no-fee claims service include?
Our claims service includes:
- Onboarding and understanding your claim.
- Initiating the legal process (pre-action protocols).
- Negotiating with the gambling company.
- Escalating your claim to a SRA regulated law firm connected to our litigation funding partner.
How long does the claims process take?
Based on our experience, most claims are settled within three to nine months of starting the claims process.
What happens if my claim is rejected by the gambling company?
If your claim is rejected, we will guide you on the next steps, which may include escalating the case to court. We will provide advice, tips, and assistance to ensure you are prepared for further action.
How will I receive my settlement?
We will request that your settlements are paid to our segregated account and aim to disburse the funds to you within 30 days.
What happens if my claim fails in court?
If your claim fails in court, you are generally protected from paying the other side's legal costs under the cost protections of the small claims track, typically limited to disbursements (if awarded at all). Additionally, qualified one-way costs shifting (QOCS) protections may apply in certain circumstances, further reducing the risk of adverse costs. As long as you act in good faith and comply with the court's rules and instructions, the likelihood of incurring additional costs is minimal. More information on costs can be found under Rule 27.14, Practice Direction 27A - Small Claims Track, and the charity run website, Advice Now (legal costs and who pays them). Claims costs are covered by After The Event (ATE) insurance to minimise adverse cost awards.
What is the success fee for the no-win, no-fee claims?
Our success fee, typically ranges between 25 - 28% of awarded compensation. This fee is payable only upon a successful outcome. The success fee may vary slightly and is determined by the FCA.
Are there any upfront costs for the Co-Managed Claim service?
Yes, there is a £99 non-refundable application fee to access our no-win, no-fee service. This fee covers one claim against one gambling operator. The fee is used for preventing SPAM, confirming identity information (name/address) and covering administrative costs for setting up your claim.
Can I pursue multiple claims?
Yes, but each claim requires a separate application and fee. For example, if you want to make claims against two different gambling operators, you will need to register two claims, each incurring a £99 non-refundable administration fee.
Do I need any prior legal experience to use the no-win, no-fee claims service?
No, you do not need prior legal experience. Our service provides comprehensive guidance and all the necessary materials to help you manage your claim effectively.
Is there a risk of additional costs beyond the success fee?
There is minimal risk so long as you act in good faith and comply with the court’s directions at all times. ATE insurance is taken out to minimise the risk of any adverse cost orders against losing claims. There are some very specific circumstances where the cost of the SRA regulated solicitors fee may not be entirely covered by the success fee. However, our socially conscience litigation funding partner ensures that litigants receive at least 51% of their compensation.